Showing posts with label Miss America. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Miss America. Show all posts

18 June 2018

1999 is Past. 2013 is Gone. But 3012 is Still a Long Way Off! Right?

1999 is past. 2013 is gone.  2016 and the following 8 years will come and go in a flash!  But 3012 is still a long way off! Right?

U.S. Presidential flag, 1960-present (not usually called a "standard" 
in official U.S. government terminology). It is defined in 
Executive Order 10860. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Visualize this. You, a typical AAC (average American citizen), a Student at an American institution of higher learning in the YEAR (??) - timeline somewhere between 2000 and 2012 - have been chosen to spend 15 minutes with the President of the United States (thee most powerful Leader of the free world [or at least he or she would like think so]). It is the 21st century. 1999 came and went.  

No more partying like it's 1999.  The party is over. You - Mr. or Ms. Student - have been given a mission. 

Your mission ~ should you decide to accept ~ is to identify the two most important issues facing your generation. What two things would you choose to discuss and why? No. This is not a trick question. No. I don't think this question has ever been put quite this way for a Miss America or Miss Universe contestant. Furthermore, your choices have been narrowed down considerably.

- A) War and Peace 
- B) The Budget and Taxes 
- C) Racism and Crime (includes illegal immigrants)
- D) Health and Education 
- D) Fake News (and squiggly lines) 
- F) Making the World Safe for Democracy and Nothing Else Matters.

Do not Believe Justin Bieber. You do not have until 3012, you will need more than a Beauty And A Beat; and besides that, Mr. Bieber is from Canada.. :)

So let's go! You got 15 minutes. The clock is ticking! * * *

Amazon product image

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(Content first published 2014.  Updated and republished 2018.)